Tuesday, February 24, 2009
This is the first entry and is the first homework for Chemistry.  I am being posted to class 09S1 in MI. 

It's been quite a long while since i was in secondary school. My previous experience in learning chemistry is quite good. My teacher would give us notes and then will let us fill in the blank. After getting clear of the details and topic for the subject, i will proceed to practise on the 10 years series. Personally, i think the learning experience did quite a great help in my O levels and i got a B3 in chemistry. And i am quite contented in my results. 

Basically, the type of learning experience that i would like to have in MI is actually almost the same as in second school where the teacher will give us the notes and we will study it, as i belong to those IT-Idiot. However, due to the improvement in the technology, i know i need to be more into working with the technology, 

Therefore, i will get use to working more often online. I believe it will be a great help to my chemistry.

Signing off 
Kay Xiao Yan 

Written at 7:17 PM
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